Technology-Related Publications
As a journalist, Brett Rutherford covered more than three decades of changes in publishing, printing and the graphic arts. The era of Gutenberg is ending, and within a matter of years, ink-on-paper will no longer be the dominant method of communications. Much of his writing for the trade journals has documented this remarkable transition. The sad part is that the vast, complex industry, full of craftsmanship and tradition, that he found on arriving in New York City, is virtually gone now. The artists and designers have all the fun, and the printers just put dots on paper.
- “Adobe's new play for paperless books presents a challenge for print diehards.”Printing News andPrinting News On-Line. January 29, 2001. 5 pp.
- “Aladdin's ‘Magic Genie' grants customers' wish for more versatile gluing and scoring.Printing News. January 2000, 3 pp. plus photographs by BR.
- “Allowing for fuel stops on the technology train [Deciding when to buy and install software upgrades for your PC].”Printing News. June 1, 1992, 2 pp.
- “As the portable Rocket eBook debuts, future of printed texts remains secure.”Printing News. Nov. 9, 1998. 3 pp.
- “Books versus digital media: whatever we do, it crumbles, fades, warps or vanishes.”Printing News. August 23, 1999. 2 pp.
- “Boston's Spire Printing soars to success with the first U.S. installation of NexPress.”Printing News. July 20, 2001.
- “Can well-lighted workplace conserve energy in comfort? [Management options for plant lighting.]”Printing News. March 18, 1991. 2 pp.
- “Coming web press emission guidelines pose threat to larger printers.” Printing Manager. October 1980.
- “Competitive potential of computer graphics.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers. August 1986. 6 pp.
- “Complying with OSHA's noise rules.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers. June 1982.
- “Computerized sales manager.” Managing Print Sales. Two-part series, April-May 1985. 8 pp.
- “Computers as front end systems: special report.” Typographers International Association, 1984.
- “Even experienced PC users may need a primer of basics [The need to know about your PC's operating system.]”Printing News. April 1, 1991. 2 pp.
- “Frank Romano assures BFA bindery to play a pivotal role in digital printing's future.”Printing News. May 22, 2000. 3 pp.
- “Graphic arts dealers assay e-commerce; printers are buying.” An overview of the use of the Internet by graphic arts dealers to sell products and services to printers.Printing News. June 26, 2000. 3 pp.
- Gravure: Process and Technology. BR wrote five chapters and edited all the text for this college graphic arts textbook. BR also designed and typeset this hard cover book using desktop publishing. Gravure Association of America, 1991. 462 pp.
- “Gravure conferees say the method is on verge of breakthroughs.”Printing News. April 16, 1988. Same material also adapted and reprinted in Gravure Magazine.
- The Gravure Doctor Blade. A technical manual edited and designed by BR for Gravure Technical Association, 1983. 30 pp including glossary of terms.
- The Gravure Image Carrier. A technical manual edited and designed by BR for the Gravure Technical Association, 1985.
- Gravure Publication Paper. A technical manual edited and designed by BR for the Gravure Technical Association , 1984. 52 pages.
- “High-tech copy tech.” Instant Printer. November 1990, 3 pp.
- “How developments in reproduction technology are affecting markets.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers. December 1983. 11 pp.
- “How to cut lighting and cooling costs.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers. March 1983. 8 pp.
- “How to cut your heating costs this winter.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers. November 1982. 10 pp.
- “Humidification can help beat those pressroom winter woes.”Printing News. November 19, 1990. 2 pp.
- “Indoor air pollution is high on management's winter list.”Printing News. December 2, 1991. 2 pp.
- “In-house color: tools are within reach.”Printing News. April 2, 1990. 3 pp.
- “Look Ma, no ink! The new wave of copier/duplicators arrives.” Vectors. February 1984.
- “Machines that talk back: voice technology.”Vectors. May 1984.
- “Microprocessors in production equipment.” Three-part series. Vectors. November 1982-February 1983. 12 pp.
- “New display screens brighten equipment future.” Vectors. June 1983.
- “New talking terminal that proofreads.”Printing News. October 27, 1984.
- “No matter what you publish or print ... copiers are gaining on you!” Vectors. January 1984.
- “On-demand hardcover books? No way, you say. Au contraire, says innovator Acme Bookbinding.” Printing News andPrinting News On-Line . April 9, 2001. Feature article with plant photos by BR. “Panelists tell Women in Production: Computer-to-plate is not going away.” Printing News. October 30, 2000. 5 pp.
- “Print on demand gets a new face as cluster printing gains momentum,” Printing News. Oct 12, 1998.
- “Print Unchained reveals complex origins of digital printing juggernaut.” Book review. Printing News. December 10, 2001. 2 pp.
- “Print Wars: the perils and opportunities of new technology.” Printing Manager. January 1981.
- “Printers in the market for profit should mind their digital assets.” A primer on digital asset management. Printing News. August 24, 1998. 4 pp.
- “Quick printers are working to put color within reach.” Printing News. October 7, 1991. 2 pp.
- “Robots are coming! The robots are coming!” Vectors. September 1983. 4 pp.
- “Robots get better and better...and cheaper and cheaper.” Vectors. November 1983.
- “Robots in printing industry: who wants or needs them?” Printing News. February 18, 1991. 2 pp.
- “Talking computers and tiny presses: report from GRAPH EXPO.” Vectors. November 1984.
- “Technical sessions at gravure parley focus on water-based inks and GCR.” Printing News. May 20, 1989. 4 pp.
- “Technology equals cost competitiveness, say speakers at GAA Gravure Week.” Printing News. April 9, 1988.
- “Telecommunications primer for printers.” Two-part series. Vectors. December 1984-January 1985.
- “Time management is the next frontier in productivity.” Printing News. November 18, 1989. 2 pp.
- “Videotex: what it means to anxious printers.” American Printer. August 1984. An in-depth review of the state of the art in videotext information systems. This article was actually prophetic about what effects the Internet would later have on the printing industry.
- “Vision and VDT problems.” Printing News. October 13, 1984.
- “Vision problems and VDTs: some facts and recommendations.” Vectors. August 1984.
- “What is role of computer graphics?” Printing News. October 11 1986.
- What the Printer Needs to Know About Microprocessors. National Association of Printers and Lithographers, 1984. A monograph explaining the basics of microprocessors and how they are being built into printing production equipment.
- “What Videotext will do to printers.” Two-part series. Vectors. April-May 1983. 8 pp. It came to be the Internet, but it was called "Videotext" then!
Version 2.0 Updated October 10, 2020
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Th. Metzger
J Rutherford Moss
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Shirley Powell
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Brett Rutherford
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