Surveys and Studies in the Graphic Arts Industry
Brett Rutherford has designed and produced a myriad of surveys and studies, and has pioneered in using readily-available desktop tools (especially database programs) to tabulate and analyze survey results and create databases for historical and trends analysis use. He has developed unique methods for the creation of reports and texts spun off from surveys and databases. Projects include:
- Color Two annual buyers' guides listing all U.S. installations of digital presses. BR created and managed database, producing typeset output which was used in Buyer's Guide issues for Digital Imaging magazine in 1999 and I/O Magazine in 2000. The database was also output into HTML for use in the Internet web site
- GraphStats (formerly Blue Book Marketing Information Reports). A quarterly information service in print and on CD-ROM of data compilations and commentary about the North American graphic arts industry. BR was editor from 1995 to 2004. A.F. Lewis & Co., Inc., later acquired by Reed Business Services. This product contained about 150 statistical tables analyzing equipment and products for the entire North American graphic arts industry. BR edited and wrote all the trends analysis for this series for nine years, and developed all the software to tabulate and update the data.
- TrendWatch Market Reports. 1997 to 2004. Final copy editing, production, design and PDF output for eight major market studies per year, with responsibility for databases, and production of thousands of pages of elaborate charts and tables.
- “Changing trends in self-advertising.” Reader survey. National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer.
- “Controlled growth through effective management reports [Survey on use of MIS systems].” National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer.
- “Cost mark up in the printing industry.” Reader and member survey. National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer, 1978.
- “Depreciation practices in the printing industry.” Member survey. National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer.
- Gravure Industry Buyer's Guide. A comprehensive buyer's guide for suppliers to the gravure industry, compiled and edited by BR. Gravure Magazine, Fall 1988.
- “Gravure's big role in cartons and labels [GAA Profile Survey update].” Gravure Magazine, Fall 1998. 4 pp. Presents dollar values of market segments, market shares for gravure printing, lists of companies operating gravure equipment, and list of relevant mergers/acquisitions.
- “The industry's experience with OSHA [survey and analysis].” National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer, November 1986.
- “Manhattan's printers at 2000's threshold: still here, thank you, and significant.” A statistical study conducted by BR of how many printers remain in Manhattan, along with profiles of their equipment and product specialties. Printing News, December 6, 1999. 4 pp with tables.
- “An ounce of preventive maintenance.” Reader survey. National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer, 1977.
- “The printing industry's computer literacy.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers, 1987. A survey of computer skills required for new hires.
- Profile of the American Gravure Industry. Gravure Technical Association, New York NY, 1983. A major market and equipment profile of the U.S. gravure industry covering the years 1976- 1982. 178 pp.
- Profile of the U.S. Gravure Industry, Gravure Association of America, New York NY, 1989 edition and 1994 edition. A 320-page market and equipment profile of gravure in publication printing, packaging and product printing. The most comprehensive market study ever undertaken of this $15 billion industry segment.
- “The Profile Survey of the U.S. Gravure Industry.” Gravure Magazine. Spring 1989. Summary of the market survey noted above.
- “Raw materials cost and quality.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer, 1979.
- “Survey of sheetfed presses under 22 inches.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers, 1982.
- “Survey on overruns/ underruns.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer, 1976, revised and updated in 1978.
- “What printers are doing about OSHA.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer, 1978.
- “Women move forward in the graphic arts [survey and analysis].” National Association of Printers and Lithographers and American Printer, 1978.
Version 2.0 Updated October 10, 2020
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