Sales and Marketing Publications

In a span of about ten years, Brett Rutherford wrote 100,000 words or more on the subject of sales and marketing in the graphic arts industry, most of them published in three monthly newsletters which he wrote and typeset, provided as a package for members of Printing Industries of America. Some of these articles have since been plagiarized by others, and the author here asserts his authorship and ownership of this series in its entirety. This was the only series of plain-English sales newsletters for printers based upon solid reading of the available academic and business literature on the market (as opposed to the "lemme-tell-ya what I did for Acme Litho" school).


Version 2.0 Updated October 10, 2020

History of the Press

Book Listings


Joel Allegretti

Leonid Andreyev

Mikhail Artsybashev

Jody Azzouni

Moira Bailis


Robert Carothers

Samuel Croxall

Richard Davidson

Claudia Dikinis

Arthur Erbe


Emilie Glen

Emily Greco

Annette Hayn

Heinrich Heine

Barbara A. Holland

Thomas D. Jones

Michael Katz

Li Yu

Richard Lyman

D.H. Melhem

David Messineo

Th. Metzger

J Rutherford Moss

John Burnett Payne

Edgar Allan Poe



Suzanne Post

Shirley Powell

Burt Rashbaum

Ernst Raupach

Susanna Rich

Brett Rutherford

Boria Sax

Charles Sorley

Vincent Spina

Ludwig Tieck

Pieter Vanderbeck

Jack Veasey

Jonathan Aryeh Wayne

Jacqueline de Weever

Don Washburn

Phillis Wheatley

Sarah Helen Whitman

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