Printing History Articles and Publications
- “American Metal Typefaces.” [Book review]. Printing News. May 16, 1987.
- “The American printer in 1883: How he lived and what he looked forward to.” American Printer, 1983.
- “American printing in the 1880's.” American Printer, 1983.
- “And you thought you had management problems!” American Printer, 1983.
- “Are we murdering our printing heritage?” NAPL Management Bulletin, January 1979.
- “Calico and art prints: modest beginnings for the gravure giant.” American Printer, 1983.
- “Graphic Arts History profiles 20th century's defining designers.” Book review. Printing News , September 10, 2001. 2 pp.
- “The 1891 Inland Printer reported on the battle of the linecasters.” American Printer, 1983.
- “First in-depth biography in English helps us find Gutenberg the man.” Book review of Johann Gutenberg: The Man and His Invention by Dr. Albert Kapr. Printing News , 2001. 5 pp. plus sidebar on Internet printing history sites.
- “For more than money: the joys of a century of printing.” [Feature article on the 100th Anniversary of the magazine Inland Printer, later American Printer.] American Printer, October 1983.
- “Four Metro Area printing firm sagas show divergent paths to longevity.” Profile of four company histories for the 75th Anniversary issue of Printing News. February 3, 2003. 3 pp.
- “Frank Preucil's library on color joins GATF's printing collection.” Printing News, June 14, 1999. 3 pp.
- “From Pioneers to Leaders” an exciting saga. [Book review]." Printing News. December 24, 1983.
- From Pioneers to Leaders. National Association of Printers and Lithographers, 1983. A hardcover, illustrated fifty-year history of the printing trade association. Based on archival materials plus original research by the author. Also excerpted as a series in The Printing Manager and Printing News.
- “Hermann Zapf and his design philosophy. [Book review].” Printing News, June 1987.
- “Johann Gutenberg and His Bible unravels some ancient mysteries.” [Book review] Printing News, October 1, 1988. 2 pp.
- “John DePol Obituary.” Printing News, January 2005.
- “John DePol's unforgettable engravings capture a lost New York and its printing history.” Printing News, Sept. 7 1998, 3 pp.
- “Millennium of printing yields great moments.” A brief time-line of printing history since 800 A.D. Printing News, December 20, 1999. 3 pp.
- “National Museum of Printing History opens its doors in North Andover, Mass.” Printing News, August 7, 2000. 3 pp. plus photography by BR.
- “99 And Counting: Inland Printer/American Printer since 1883. A ten-part series chronicling the history of printing and typesetting technology since 1883. American Printer, October 1982 through October 1983.
- “Offset: the black sheep that wouldn't go away.” American Printer. 1983 . Article on the early history of offset printing .
- “Printing History Museum brims with treasures; latest exhibit draws printers and history buffs.” Printing News, November 18, 2002. 3 pp. plus photographs by BR, plus a sidebar “What on earth is a Wayzgoose?”
- “Sad career of Ottmar Mergenthaler is revealed in landmark biography.” [Book review]. This long review recaps the tragic career of the inventor of the Linotype. Printing News, March 11, 1989.
- “Sotheby's to auction first printing of the Declaration of Independence: Dunlap's rush job worth $4 to $6 million.” Printing News and Printing News On-Line, January 24, 2000. 2 pp.
- “Those amazing men and their typesetting machines.” American Printer, 1982.
- "Typophiles tribute to wood engraver John DePol has many memories for New York area printers.” Printing News, Feb 8, 1999.
- “Volume on graphic design pioneers is a tribute to overlooked art form.” [Book review] Printing News, June 24, 1989, 3 pp.
- “While preparing to celebrate its 75th Anniversary, HSGA [High School of the Graphic Arts] uncovers archival treasures.” Printing News and Printing News On-Line , May 7, 2001.
Version 2.0 Updated October 10, 2020
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