Graphic Design, Typesetting, and Desktop Publishing Publications
In addition to writing about graphic design and prepress topics, Brett Rutherford has working experience as a publication and book designer. He has set metal type by hand, and has operated every generation of typesetting equipment from the strike-on "cold type" machines of the 1970s through the last generation of digital typesetters. He was an early user of Ventura Publisher, Corel Draw and other desktop publishing and design programs, and continues to work with up-to-date tools to create new book designs, web pages, and e-books. As publisher at The Poet’s Press, he has designed and typeset more than 300 books.
These are his publications on design and prepress topics (see also the Printing History Biblio page and the Technology Biblio page for more):
- "Anti-profit attitude is biggest challenge.” Based on BR's presentation to Typographers' Association of New York. The Typographer. April/May 1983.
- Art and Copy Preparation for Gravure. Gravure Technical Association, 1982. A guide for artists and designers. Edited from materials prepared by ad agencies and prep houses.
- “Artists can improve productivity, too!” National Association of Printers and Lithographers, 1978.
- “Berthold gives us Rhyme and Reason: A Typographic Novel for type lovers.” (Book review). Printing News. January 22, 1988.
- “Bourges offers elegant approach to the correct selection of color.” [Book review] Printing News. January 12, 1998. 1 p.
- “The camera choice: a survey.” NAPL Special Report, 1979.
- “Can dot matrix printers become low cost typesetters?” Vectors. June 1984.
- “Database management services could be a gold mine for the small shop.” Printing News. April 6, 1992.
- “GATF's Direct Mail Pal is an all-around production handbook.” Book review. Printing News. September 30, 2002. 2 pp.
- “Get it printed says it all — the uneasy world of the novice desktop designer.” Printing News. August 20, 2001. 1 p.
- “Hefty Illustrators XXX celebrates work of America's topnotch artists.” [Book review]. Printing News. September 23, 1989. 2 pp.
- “In-house typesetting: the real story.” A brochure for Typographers Association of New York, c. 1985.
- “Jan White's new manual is guide for desktop publishing designers.” [Book review]. Printing News. July 23, 1988.
- “Lindenmeyr paper festival draws 400 annual report designers to the Tower Suite.” Review of premium papers for annual reports. Printing News. October 14, 1989.
- “Manual of Comparative Typography should aid in identifying typefaces.” [A book review and evaluation of a new typeface identification system.] Printing News. February 6, 1988. 2 pp.
- “Microcomputers as front end systems.” Two-part series, Vectors. February-March 1985.
- “MS Publisher 2000 enables pack-and-go file transfer to printers, service bureaus.” Printing News. December 14, 1998. 2 pp.
- “New concern for VDT users: electromagnetic side effects.” Printing News. December 2, 1989. 2 pp.
- “New folding guide offers complete layouts and setups for every known paper fold.” Book review. Printing News. January 6, 2003.
- “Pleas of VDT operators heard in west; can East coast firms be far behind?” [Review of VDT legislation.] Printing News. January 7, 1991. 2 pp.
- “Postage stamp design and printing embrace digital prepress workflow.” Printing News , December 11, 2000. 3 pp. Also published in Micro-Publishing News and on-line by Cygnus Graphics Network.
- “The printer and Universal Product Codes.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers, 1978.
- “Printers in the market for profit should mind their digital assets [A primer on digital asset management].” Printing News. Aug. 24, 1998. 4 pp. .
- “Pros and cons of typesetting methods,” Pre-Press. October 1984.
- “The Reproduction of Color treats subject as a quantifiable science.” [Book review]. Printing News. August 6, 1988.
- “Serious fears voiced at Type 87 on the quality of design in future.” Printing News. October 24, 1987. 3 pp.
- “Small canvas: postage stamps present designers with ahost of unique challenges and opportunities.” Micro Publishing News and Micro Publishing News On-Line , December 2000.
- “Software programs convert varied word processor files.” Printing News. January 8, 1990. 2 pp.
- “Stocking stuffer: USPS guide makes an ideal gift for all direct mail customers.” Book review. Printing News. November 18, 2002. 1 p.
- “Swanson's Graphic Design and Reading furnishes food for thought to type lovers.” Book review. Printing News. October 30, 2000. 2 pp.
- “TANY rates DuPont's Design System on its merits as typesetting service.” Printing News. October 3, 1987.
- “Thirty Centuries of Graphic Design, a unique perspective on the industry.” [Book review]. Printing News. May 7, 1988. 2 pp.
- “Two possible entries into PostScript world.” Printing News. January 21, 1991. 2 pp.
- “Type's connections with art history traced in Gottschall's superb book.” [Book review] Printing News. June 10, 1989. 3 pp.
- “Typographic triumph from U.S. Litho celebrates lure of faraway places.” [Book review] Printing News. February 22, 1986.
- “Unbridled font mania soon to seize the world of electronic publishing.” Printing News. June 24, 1989. 2 pp.
- “Vita brevis, ars longa: calligraphy lives on in a stellar AIGA exhibit.” Printing News. November 1, 1999. 2 pp. .
- “Welcome new textbook explains computer color graphics.” Book review of Computer Color Graphics: Understanding Today's Visual Communications. Printing News. November 13, 2000. 1 p.
- “What salespeople need to know about telecommunications and media conversion.” Successful Print Sales. Three-part series, July-September 1986. 9 pp.
- “Women in Production gets a first look at CTP in action during Seybert Nicholas plant tour.” On-site look at a new computer-to-plate system. Printing News. July 3, 2000. 3 pp. plus photographs by BR.
- “Word processing to type: shortcut to productivity and profit.” Vectors. September 1982. 4 pp.
- “Zapf delivers plainspoken message for a provocative coda to Type 87.” Printing News. October 31, 1987.
Word Processing and Office Automation
Brett Rutherford and Jane Madson-McCabe created "In Command," a series of newsletters in the early days of word processing, aimed at helping operators with only typing skills to learn the complexities of this new technology. This series was sold to The Economics Press, which published them. Over 100,000 newsletters were sold by subscription.
- “Advantages of word processing programs.” Based on BR's presentation to Meeting Industry Microcomputer Users' Group, New York. MIMUG Newsletter, June 1984.
- “A few questions before you start.” In Command, 1984. .
- “Calendars and schedules: how your word processor can help.” In Command, 1987.
- “Care and handling of floppy disks.” In Command, 1984.
- “Cleaning up the floppy disk jungle.” In Command, 1987.
- “Common word processing errors.” In Command, 1984.
- “Creative use of headers and footers.” In Command, 1987.
- “Database programs can add power to word processing.” In Command, 1987.
- “Do your skills need a refresher?” In Command, 1987.
- “Electrical problems and your word processor.” In Command, 1987.
- “File less by keeping electronic archives.” In Command, 1987.
- “Filing on floppy disks.” In Command, 1984.
- “First thing in the morning.” In Command, 1984.
- “Getting help on word processing problems.” In Command, 1985.
- “Getting the most from your dot matrix printer. ” In Command. 1987.
- “Guarding computers, databases, electronic equipment from erratic power flow damage.” National Association of Printers and Lithographers, December 1986.
- “Handling block maneuvers.” In Command, 1984.
- “'Hands off' typing and editing.” In Command, 1984.
- “Here's how to input word processed manuscript for best typeset output.” Printing News. November 7, 1987.
- “How long should it take: scheduling WP activities.” In Command, 1986.
- “How to save time typing forms.” In Command, 1985.
- “Hyphenation without headaches.” In Command, 1984.
- “I need a thousand copies of this.” Administrative Management. September 1982, pp. 45-48.
- “The importance of formatting.” In Command, 1984.
- “In-house printing offers many new options.” Office Administration & Automation, August 1985.
- “In-house printing: more options, more flexibility.” Office Administration & Automation, July 1984.
- “Let the word processor check your spelling.” In Command, 1985.
- “Maintaining an efficient file system.” In Command, 1984.
- “Make friends with your word processor.” In Command, 1985.
- “Making the most of 'search and replace'.” In Command, 1984.
- “Making the most of special print features.” In Command, 1985.
- “Making the most of the CRT screen.” In Command, 1985.
- “More about floppy disks and disk drives.” In Command, 1987.
- “Pagination made easy.” In Command, 1985.
- “Personal computers mean business.” Vectors. August 1982.
- “Planning pays off in mailing lists.” In Command.
- “Preparing documents for typesetting.” In Command, 1985.
- “Proofreading and editing skills.” In Command. 1985.
- “Rosters and lists the easy way.” In Command, 1987.
- “Sharing a printer.” In Command, 1985.
- “Taking care of your word processor.” In Command, 1985.
- “Taking the aches and pains out of your work.” In Command, 1984.
- “Temperamental printers.” In Command, 1985.
- “Things to do before you type.” In Command, 1984.
- “Three ways to print your jobs.” In Command, 1985.
- “Tips for trouble-shooting.” In Command, 1984.
- “Tips for typing long documents.” In Command, 1985.
- “Typing multi-column documents.” In Command, 1985.
- “Understanding your operating system.” In Command. 1985.
- “User-defined keys mean less typing.” In Command, 1985.
- “Using your daisy wheel printing capabilities.” In Command, 1987.
- “When – and how – to make copies of files.” In Command, 1985.
- “Word processing after one year – a checklist.” In Command, 1987.
- “The word processing cycle.” In Command, 1985.
- “Word processing for printers.” Vectors. Two-part series, September-October 1982.
- “Working with two files at one time.” In Command. 1987.
- “Your creativity pays dividends.” In Command, 1984.
Version 2.0 Updated October 10, 2020
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Brett Rutherford
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- Brett Rutherford
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