Consulting & Teaching
Distance Learning, WebCT and Sakai Consultant, University of Rhode Island, Fall 2004 through Summer 2007, developing web content for on-line courses, assisting instructors with technology issues, and assisting students with computer problems.
Adjunct instructor, Gender and Women's Studies program, University of Rhode Island, 2007-2015. Designed and taught courses on Women in Science Fiction and The Diva. The later course included study of Sarah Bernhardt, Isadora Duncan, Maria Callas, Eva Peron, Madonna, and Divine.
Conference presentation at "Identities," the URI Graduate Student Conference, March 31, 2007: "Niobe's Tears and Naval Gentlemen: The Classical Poetry of Phillis Wheatley."
Lecturer on “Elbert Hubbard and the Roycrofters,” Providence Public Library Arts & Crafts Symposium, 2002.
Lecturer on “Edgar Allan Poe and Sarah Helen Whitman” in a series sponsored by the Providence Athenaeum and the Rhode Island Council on the Humanities, April 2003.
Lecturer on “Illustrated Editions of Edgar Allan Poe,” at the John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, for the John Russell Bartlett Society, April 2003.
Lecture on "Small Press and On-Demand Publishing" for The Writers Circle, Providence, RI. Spring 2004. Consultant and advisor to The Writers' Circle as they produced their first contest anthology, a hardcover book, Spring 2004. Several follow-up workshops in Summer 2004 for members of The Writers Circle.
Guest lecturer on “H.P. Lovecraft and the Horror Film,” and “Edgar Allan Poe in Providence” at New England Institute of Art (AI), Brookline Village, Mass, 2003 and 2004.
Informal talks and presentations on many literary and musical topics including: H.P. Lovecraft, Chinese art and Chinese opera, the music of Gustav Mahler, Edgar Allan Poe, classical music, horror and Greek mythology, and other topics.
Internet consulting, writing and editing for ID Brands, Inc., a marketing business with offices in New York and Providence, April 2004 to Summer 2006.
Consulting projects with a Manhattan directory publisher (A.F. Lewis & Co.) including conversion of data from mainframe computer to PCs; selection, installation and networking of PCs; training staff in word processing and database management software; creation of custom database applications for publishing, advertising sales and other functions. Ongoing project to led to complete desktop production of directories and integration of all computer activities at two business locations.
Word processing, database management and desktop publishing consulting engagements with trade associations, in-plant printing plants, design studios and publishers. Selected equipment, trained operators, and created automated correspondence systems.
Consultant to several small press publishers on design, typesetting, printing and bindery.
Instructor, Evening School, Printing Industries of Metropolitan New York, Spring Semester 1984, Seminar in “Word Processing for Printers.”
Seminars for American Society of Association Executives, November 1983 and April 1984: “Word Processing for Meeting Planners,” and “How to Buy Printing.”
Promotional and consulting engagements for Technical and Education Center of the Graphic Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Seminar for Meeting Industry Microcomputer Users Group, New York, March 1984.
Consultant to United Nations Personnel Division; with Don Merit, created personnel examinations for testing printing knowledge of employees seeking advancement to management positions.
Speaker at national and regional conferences of National Association of Printers and Lithographers, Southwest Litho Clinic, Typographers Association of New York, Long Island Graphic Arts Association, American Society of Association Executives, Gravure Association of America.
Library Involevment
Libraries are central to Brett Rutherford's existence. He grew up in places where they were minimal if not nonexistent. In recent years, he has donated almost all of his personal collections to libraries where they will be preserved and made accessible to the public.
He gave more than 350 specimens of printing by the Roycrofters to The Providence Athenaeum, as well as his collection of 4,000 classical CDs. Another 450 CDs of Latin American music were donated to the library of Rhode Island College.
He has donated a collection of wood engravings by artist John DePol to the Providence Public Library's Daniel Berkeley Updike Collection, along with a number of books on printing history.
Complete sets of the editions published by The Poet's Press have been donated to the Harris Collection at the John Hay Library at Brown University, to the Hillman Library at University of Pittsburgh, and to Poets House in New York City.
Rutherford served six years on the board of directors of The Providence Athenaeum and chaired its Philbrick Poetry Prize Committee.
Version 2.0 Updated October 10, 2020
History of the Press
Book Listings
- Opus 300
- Wake Not the Dead!
- On the Verge
- Group 74
- Meta-Land
- Beyond the Rift
- Tales of Terror (3 vols)
- Tales of Wonder (2 vols)
- Whispering Worlds
Joel Allegretti
Leonid Andreyev
Mikhail Artsybashev
Jody Azzouni
Moira Bailis
Robert Carothers
Samuel Croxall
Richard Davidson
Claudia Dikinis
Arthur Erbe
Michael Frachioni
Emilie Glen
Emily Greco
Annette Hayn
Heinrich Heine
Barbara A. Holland
- The Holland Reader
- After Hours in Bohemia
- Selected Poems 1
- Selected Poems 2
- Shipping on the Styx
- Out of Avernus
- The Beckoning Eye
- The Secret Agent
- Medusa
- Crises of Rejuvenation
- Autumn Numbers
- Holland Collected Poems
- In the Shadows
Thomas D. Jones
Michael Katz
Li Yu
Richard Lyman
D.H. Melhem
David Messineo
Th. Metzger
J Rutherford Moss
John Burnett Payne
Edgar Allan Poe
Suzanne Post
Shirley Powell
Burt Rashbaum
Ernst Raupach
Susanna Rich
Brett Rutherford
- New and Recent Poems
- From Hecla
- Island of the Dead
- Story of Niobe
- The Inhuman Wave
- Fatal Birds
- Pumpkined Heart
- Doll Without A Face
- Crackers At Midnight
- Anniversarius
- Gods As They Are, 2nd ed.
- Prometheus on Fifth Ave
- Things Seen in Graveyards
- Prometheus Chained
- Dr Jones & Other Terrors
- Trilobite Love Song
- Expectation of Presences
- Whippoorwill Road
- Poems from Providence
- Twilight of the Dictators
- Night Gaunts
- Wake Not the Dead!
- Pity the Dragon
- It Has Found You
- Autumn Symphony
- By Night and Lamp
- September Sarabande
- Midnight Benefit St.
Boria Sax
Charles Sorley
Vincent Spina
Ludwig Tieck
Pieter Vanderbeck
Jack Veasey
Jonathan Aryeh Wayne
Jacqueline de Weever
Don Washburn
Phillis Wheatley
Sarah Helen Whitman
Section Links
Featured Poets
- Joel Allegretti
- Jody Azzouni
- Boruk Glasgow
- Emilie Glen
- Annette Hayn
- Barbara A. Holland
- Donald Lev
- D.H. Melhem
- Shirley Powell
- Brett Rutherford
- Jack Veasey
- Don Washburn
- Poe & Mrs. Whitman